Youth Programs

Leagues, camps and events, all year round

Soccer Leagues

Youth leagues are on in the winter and summer – check us out!

Youth Programs FAQs

Follow these and you’re in good shape.

All Stars

4 v 4 scrimmage league for ages 4-11!

Ready to form a team?

Round up your players and field a team!

Skills Institute

Enhance your skills with each session.

Register at SCOR DaySmart

All Schedules, Scores and Standings can be found at SCOR DaySmart.

Friday Night All Stars

Friday Night All Stars is a recreational soccer league for beginner/intermediate players from the ages of 5-12. The goal of this league is to provide a safe and fun environment for players to learn the game and become more comfortable with the fundamentals of soccer. We do not keep score, as we want the kids to be able to learn about soccer by making mistakes, taking chances, and utilizing new skills. We do not allow full teams to register together as a team, since the goal of the program is to keep the competition even in order to give kids the best opportunity possible to develop their skills and learn the game of soccer.



Info on the upcoming season of F.N.A.S. will be back WINTER 2024-25. Sign up early, spots fill up fast! REGISTATION opens September 13th!

  •  Games start PROMPTLY at 6:00 pm, so please ensure your child is here BY 5:45, 15 minutes before game time, to make sure they have time to warm up!
  • Players will be placed onto teams of 4-8 kids for 4v4 play with no goalies (we do not exceed 8 children to ensure that all kids receive plenty of playing time!)
  • Games have two 22-minute halves, with a 5-minute water break in between
  • Registration is $15 per night for 10 weeks (only $150 total), plus the annual SCOR membership fee ($20 individual/$30 for family) – this includes a FREE SCOR t-shirt!
  • Sign up today, space will be VERY limited
  • While we DO allow players to request to play together, there is NO GUARANTEE that players will be placed together. Although we love when friends join our program and want to play together, our top priority is to keep the teams as even as possible and the kids having fun











10 Weeks – INDOORS

DECEMBER 6TH – fEBRUARY 21ST- 10 weeks (2 wwk holiday break)

Register Here WINTER FNAS 

for more info:





Youth Soccer Leagues

Indoor Youth Soccer Leagues are offered in the Summer and Winter. 7v7 Games are played on our 2 large indoor fields and covered outdoor field. 4v4 games are played on our indoor small field.

2025 Summer 7v7 Youth Soccer
  • 2025 7v7 Summer Youth Season July 12-August 24
    • Games on Saturday and Sunday afternoons/evenings
    • Games may be played on the indoor or outdoor covered field
    • Typically 1 game each weekend
    • No practices are included in the team price
    • 7 games, no playoffs
    • Games are 45 minutes long
    • Teams who are at the top of their respective division at the end of the season are the Champion
  • 7v7 $700 team fee split among all the players on the team
    • We do not have house teams during the summer, teams must be formed together
    • All players need an up to date SCOR membership; ($20 individual, $30 family)
  • No Roster Limits but every player must be listed on the roster, we recommend 10-14 players.
  • Players can play on multiple teams
  • All players must wear shin guards and have turf/flat/indoor shoes. Outdoor cleats are not allowed to be worn on our turf fields
  • Offering Boys/Coed
  • U11 Players 8-10 years old (can turn 11 during the season)
    U13 Players 10-12 years old (can turn 13 during the season)
    U15 Players 12-14 years old (can turn 15 during the season)
    U17 Players 14-16 years old (can turn 17 during the season)
    high school 14-19 years old (Must still be enrolled in school)
    • There must be at least 4 teams in a division for a league to move forward.
      • Age restrictions are based on the season start date of 07/12/2025
  • Players can play up a division but may not play down.
  • Registration is done online through DaySmart:
  • Email: for more information
2025-2026 Winter 7v7 Youth Soccer
  • Registration Details Coming Soon!
  • Winter 7v7 Indoor Youth Soccer League
    • Youth season 2024-2025 
      • December 7, 2024 – February 23, 2024, 10 weeks 8 game season.
      • Teams will play 1 game in December and 7 games in January and February
      • No games Dec 16-Jan 3
      • Games will be played on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and evenings
      • 8 game season total, no practice or playoffs
        • Special field rental rates are available for youth team practice email for info (when space is available)
      • Teams who are at the top of their respective division at the end of the season are the SCOR Indoor Champions
    • 7v7 $800 team fee split among all the players on the team
      • All players need an up to date SCOR membership; $20 individual, $30 family.
      • Every player must be listed on the roster
      • No Roster Limits
      • All players must wear shin guards and have turf/flat/indoor shoes. Outdoor cleats are not allowed to be worn on the turf fields
      • Girls can play in the boy’s league but boys can’t play in the girl’s league.
    • Offering boys/coed and girls U11 U13 U15 U17 and high school
    • U-11 For 8-10 year olds, may turn 11 during the season FULL
    • U-13 For 11-12 year olds, may turn 13 during the season FULL
    • U-15 For 13-14 year olds, may turn 15 during the season FULL
    • U-17 For 15-16 year olds, may turn 17 during the season FULL
    • High School For 13-18 year olds FULL
      • Competitive, Intermediate, and Recreational divisions will be based on the number of teams signed up
    • Age restrictions are based on the season start date of 12/07/2024
    • Players can play up a division but may not play down
    • Players may play on multiple teams
    • House Team Spots Available (Individual signup, must have a minimum of 10 players for a team to be entered in the league) FULL
    • Team Registration is Open until the league is full FULL
    • Registration is done online through DaySmart: Make sure to click “Are you a team manager” When signing up your team
    • Email: if you have any questions
Youth Practice!

Have a team that wants to practice?

Email to find a time that works for you!

2025 Summer Season


Team Registration Open!

2025-2026 Winter Season
Details Coming Soon!

Ready to Form a Team?

Teams are registered through DaySmart. In the upper right hand corner of the website click the “Register Here Day Smart” link.
Create or log into your account and follow the registration prompts. A $200 non refundable deposit is due when teams sign up the remaining fee is due before the season begins

If you have any questions please read our FAQs below, email, or call us at 804-257-SCOR (7267)

Need Jerseys for your team? Visit our shop below!

Youth Soccer Leagues

Questions about registering a team contact Joe Graham at 804-257-7267 or

SCOR House Team

We welcome individuals to sign up for a SCOR house team. Players can sign up for additional teams to have more fun and meet new friends. Contact Joe Graham at 804-257-7267 or email
House Teams are not available during the summer youth season

Youth League FAQs

What kind of cleats can I wear?
Players must wear Turfs, Indoor or flat bottom shoes.

Firm Ground, Firm Ground/Artificial Grass Hybrid, Soft Ground, Artificial Grass/Hard Ground shoes are not allowed.

For more in-depth information please Click Here

Is there a membership fee? Do my players need to be registered in order to play?
Yes all players must have a DASH account, be listed on your team roster, and have an up to date SCOR membership. (Memberships are valid for 1 year after purchase)
Do membership fees get counted towards my team fee?
Memberships are separate from team fees and do not go towards a teams overall team payment.
How many players can be on my roster?
We do not limit team’s rosters to any amount but we do respectfully request at least 10 players on a 7v7 team and 6 on a 4v4 team. Everyone on the roster must have an up to date SCOR membership.
When are games played?
Youth games are mostly played on Saturday and Sunday. During the winter youth session, some games will be played on Friday.
How long are games?
7v7 youth games are 45 minutes long. 4v4 games are 40 minutes long.
Where are games played?
All games are played here at the Sports Center of Richmond (SCOR) 1385 Overbrook rd, Richmond, VA 23220
Does SCOR provide jerseys?
SCOR provides shirts for house team players only. All other teams are responsible for providing their own jersey or team color. We recommend teams bringing two colors each week to avoid wearing pinnies.
Where can I find the rules for indoor soccer?

Rules can be found here.

Skills Institute

Skills Institute is a developmental soccer program for boys and girls ages 5-12 years. With a 10:1 player to coach ratio, players will receive plenty of one on one attention as they explore their potential in the target areas of soccer. Classes will be offered in groups by age and skill level. Throughout each session players will be evaluated, experience chalk talks, and the occasional homework assignment to practice at home. Players will walk away more confident, equipped for their next right step, and ready for life’s challenges on and off the field.



  • TACTICAL – Creating space to receive the ball and keep possession
  • TECHNICAL – Improve individual and collective basic soccer techniques
  • PHYSICAL – Develop speed, coordination and balance with and without the ball
  • PSYCHOSOCIAL – Interact positively and feel confident within the group

Winter 2024 Schedule

Winter Skills Soccer Schedule 

WINTER schedule is open for registration (classes start the week of  Dec. 2nd – March 9th, 2025) 

No Classes: Saturday, December 21st – January 3rd, 2025 – Winter break

Join anytime! Enrollment for Lil’ Kickers and Skills Institute classes is always open; if you join after a season has already begun, then classes are pro-rated so you only pay for the remainder of the season. Classes need at least 3 participants to take place each season, therefore class times/days are subject to change.


Winter Schedule

Register Here for Fall